••• This is no longer a conspiracy theory so let’s cut the bullshit and discuss that tippy top of the tippy top of that all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid because every other discussion about saving the world needs to have a base-line paradigm from which to frame all other issues •••



Upon humanity’s innate herd mentality, a great survival trait in ages past, lies the ingredients to its downfall.  Natural selection favored those that went along with the group, offering protection and sustenance. Due to technological advancement, that attribute, that instinct is now mankind’s greatest liability.  Against a bear or lion, hordes of bison running, huddling and fighting together were untouchable but against the superior intelligence of men on horseback they were herded to near extinction.  Men learned how they reacted when pursued and thus corralled, cornered and hunted them with extreme efficiency.  This strength of the group became its downfall.  Humanity finds itself, today, in the same predicament as the bison.  At a speed and extent only dreamt of in ages past, malevolent actors are corralling humanity into an unprecedented funnel of exploitation and unprecedented  mass death.



Human pride scoffs at the suggestion that oneself is reduced to a rudderless dinghy on a raging river when caught up in the psychosis of a crowd.  “I think, therefore I am,” shouts the non-playing character.  Technology and the resultant mass media empowers those wielding it to direct the human herd at a speed and scale never seen before in history.  While it took Christianity and Islam centuries to convert followers on every continent, the new post-liberal Cult of Woke took only a decade to become the new world religion.  ESG is the new catechism and Klaus Schwab is its Pope.



Unlike bison herds of the great planes, the hunters, the corralers of humanity are themselves human (supposedly).  Instead of innate intelligence separating the hunters from the hunted, the key differential is the centuries of accumulated wealth and power.  The hunters are an elite minority, separated in every way from 99.9% of the rest of the population.  Even calling their life style, “privileged” doesn’t do justice to describing the extent of how their lives differ in experience and perspective.  Imagine having no day to day worries and stresses of “normal” life, ever.  Imagine being so rich that all anxieties and concerns are outsourced to a staff of sycophants.  No time is ever spent on fretting about bills or getting fired from a job, or whether the car will break down because it was bought used from a shady dealer.  What can all this free time be spent doing?  Maximizing ones own pleasure?  Playing God?  “Solving” the world’s “problems?”  How would one look at ants far below?  Empathy is not possible.  It is actually easier to think of them as lizard people or aliens.  (Maybe they are aliens or demons?  Maybe this is all a simulation?  Who really knows.)



Lizard people memes aside, these elites are mostly from wealthy or royal families, though some may be relatively Nouveau riche or have burrowed into power surreptitiously.  Either way, the level of power they achieved in the last century is magnitudes greater than the kings and queens of old.  As stated, this is all thanks to technology.  In aeons past the king was still a man.  By today’s standards, the medieval comforts and conveniences of the regent, even when supported by servants and slaves, was only marginally better than the peasants’ accommodations.  Most kings still thought of themselves as a part of their people and their land even if they were, “the makers of manners.”  The regent’s power was still tenuous and comparatively easy to topple by an angry pitchfork-wielding mob.  Today the real “king” can be essentially anonymous, protected by layers and layers of corporate and governmental bureaucracy, NGOs and shell entities.  Puppet politicians stand in place of real power so the masses direct their anger and frustrations at an “electable” figurehead.  With the facade of power misdirecting the attention of the people, the collective psyche of the masses is corralled towards the phantom kings’ secret goals.



We are but cattle to them.  Visit an industrial egg production poultry house for an appropriate visual of how the masses are viewed.  “You vill live in ze pods. You vill eat ze bugs. You vill own noting and you vill be happy.”  Slowly but surely humanity is being corralled into the pens; little by little freedom and autonomy is stripped away.  Unlike atrocities of the past, the tyrants of today, truly having mastered the art of distraction, pleasure and convenience, seduce the people into their doom.  It is always easier to lead a donkey with a carrot than with a whip.  Again, technology allows this mass manipulation of the mind, via dopamine and its ilk, persuading the world to voluntarily relinquish freedom.  Tick tock, Brave New World.



The hunters are still human and they are not invincible.  Their singular fear remains:  they are outnumbered.  This is why January 6th struck such fear in the Elites and their lieutenants.  Never-mind that J6 or the J8 Brasilia storms may have been fully or partially false-flagged, the idea of the storming of the citadels is still front and center of these Elites’ minds.  Kings and princes were deposed by peasants.  No castle is impenetrable. Even Klaus’ bond-villain mountain-top hideaway is not unreachable.  They must manipulate through appeasement and patronage.  Sure, on occasion 28 children have to be burned alive or peaceful protesters have to be locked away without trial to scare those immune to the soft hand of seduction.  The majority though won’t be dragged away to camps.  The mid-level elites will be seduced into their service with fiat or pizza.  The rest of the “useless eaters,” will take care of themselves by simply dying off from poisoned food, prescription drugs and self-sterilization.



To clarify: authority, hierarchy, royalty, even on a generational level, are not inherently diabolical.  The pyramidal, classist societal structure is a natural state to which civilization(s) tends to coalesce.  Arguably hierarchy and authority structures are essential to human relations.  Family, community — truly any organization needs an authority structure.  It is all about scale though.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  These point-zero-zero-zero-one-percenters are still only human; their power can only be implemented through systems and other people.  Like the laws of physics of the universe, the laws of physics of power, limit and disperse that power down the pyramid.  It is essentially the inverse square law but unlike radiation, Elite power must be implemented by proxy, (diluting it) through governments, corporations, institutions, all at least somewhat subject to the will and influence of people further down the pyramid.  Like any other tool, institutions are not inherently good or bad.  They are made so by the morality of the people within them.



All is not lost.  There are white pills to fight this pandemic of plutocrats.  The Elites are not a monolith.  Numerous families, factions, tribes and alliances exist.  Raging agendas from total malevolence to complete benevolence thunder behind the scenes over conflicting interests.  Some at the top of the pyramid have ambitions not antithetical to a free humanity or some even fight directly to make the world free again.  Occasionally a courtier or an outsider may manage to usurp the throne.   Make no mistake though, there is no human messiah.  Yesterday’s hero may turn into tomorrow’s villain.   Even the GODEMPEROR himself (Praise Kek; may Pepe’s blessings be upon him who is between the sea and the lake) is but a man.  He may yet continue as the avatar of freedom, returning from Elba to throw Darth Brandon down the shaft to reclaim his stolen throne but the people must not abdicate their responsibility to retake the land.  Frogs must plague Pharaoh once more.



Earth is a big place and total control is very hard to achieve, even for trillionaires.  The people are on to them.  As patient as these reptiles may be, they are still mortal.  Bill Gates is 67, Klaus Schwab is 84, Nathan (4th Baron de) Rothschild is 86, George Soros is 92; they will not live forever (at least they have not figured out how to do so yet).  Ancient blood-lines do not flow along a strait path and the heirs of tyrants and psychopaths often blunder, or abandon their inherited goals.  Barring the kind of disaster that destroys the planet, the sheer number of freedom-loving peoples will always outnumber the hunters.



The greatest lies and the greatest evils are often wrapped in truth and good intentions.  There are myriads of ignorant, low-IQ humans benefitting (and reproducing like rabbits) thanks to the global civilizational social support systems built by the Elites.  Such is another basis for the idiocracy we’re seeing.  The Illuminati are not wrong in the observation that much harm is being wrought on the Earth by human action.  They are not wrong that there are (relative) environmental disasters on the horizon if human behavior doesn’t change.  Even if the Elite were given every benefit of the doubt that their intentions were for the greater good of all humanity, playing God never ends well.  They seem to forget that history and nature tend to balance out and the pendulum eventually swings back the other way.  Their propaganda relentlessly proclaims that the earth is overpopulated (it’s not) and human-caused climate change is going to destroy the world (it won’t).  The lie in that truth and the evil in that good intention is in their framing of the “problems,” in the scale of the predicted disasters and in the “solutions” they force upon the people.  It is far more practical to assume that the Elites don’t actually believe their own bullshit and their “solutions” are just methods of control and enslavement wrapped in a “save the planet” (ahem, “fight climate change”) wrapper.



“Most important ________ in history,” is an over-used trope.  This present battle is probably not going to be the final battle of all time but it could end up pretty bad.  What is unprecedented is the relative scale of the danger.  Are we to accept a dystopia where there is no more individual autonomy or self-determination, where A.I. and nano-bots control all thought and action?  Some argue that total effective thought control is already here: there is no realfreedom, there is no real free thought.  NPCs may march along to the algorithm but the present brainwashing is still analog.  Digital sound and video still has to pass through air and space from screens into eyes and ears.  It can be mitigated.  It can be turned off.  The point of no return is when it can’t be turned off.  At that point, when it is injected, inserted with an interface to the mind that is is physical, permanent and uninterruptible, manipulating herd mentality will be irrelevant.  That hell is not yet here but collision course is set with The Matrix.  The people must resist and keep resisting, but they must never forget who or what is their real enemy.  If the free men of the world abdicate their responsibility to overcome, the entities at the tippy top of the pyramid will eventually plug everyone in, stick everyone in a pod and download everyone a pretty little waifu in a red dress.