•••2024-07-13 18:11 EDT: time stopped, every nightmare flashing before our eyes. We held our breath but then he stood up bloodied, defiant and told us to Fight! Fight! Fight!•••




They did it.  They actually tried, honest to God, to kill him. Our hero, our champion.  Our worst nightmare, one that we feared for the last nine years came so close to coming true.  We have to be honest with ourselves.  We all knew this day would come.  Jones, Tucker, so many others openly predicted it.  All of us internet people whispered quietly what we would do if it were to happen, and thank God we are spared from having to follow through.



They crossed so many lines and we fell back, we TOLERATED and endured so many injustices and we fell back.  Keeping our cool, understanding the reality of the power dynamic, knowing they were poking and prodding trying to incite a reaction: we resisted losing our tempers.  There is a line.  Where that line is, exactly, is a topic of much discussion but for most, 13 July 2024 is the closest they came to it.  At what point do the American people decide that life is less precious than liberty?  Any student of history, of revolution, of war knows that things do not generally end well for those on the front lines.  Much has been said of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Most were killed or died in poverty, losing everything in the Revolution, but they did it anyway, for their countrymen, for their children.  The tragedy of history is those that fight for freedom rarely get to enjoy its fruits.  Had the unthinkable happened, no doubt we would be on our way to open conflict, not just here on the home front but across the world.  No one likes to think about how bad things could get.  The peace and stability we experience in America (even considering the chaos of the last 5 years), is an ANOMALY.  We don’t have a clue the hell that would be a truly modern hot Civil War.  It is anyone’s guess how it would have played out but I like to tell the normies, “If they kill him, it will be January Sixth except everyone will bring their guns.”



It didn’t happen though.  It is a BONAFIDE miracle.  Every atheist must reconsider their beliefs.  God Almighty protected Trump, and our Nation. The GodEmperor is a changed man.  You can see it in his eyes.  His RNC acceptance speech was the most magnanimous speech he’s ever given.  He could have gone for fire and brimstone but his calls for peace and unity were a wise choice.  He knows, we all KNOW they will try again, probably not immediately and probably in a completely different way but they WILL try again.  Eventually we will deal with them.  They hate us with all their demonic evil that fills their souls.  They want power and control more than anything else in the world and they see him as the only obstacle in their way.  They do not realize the flood they would have to contend with if he were no longer in their way.  The love we have for this man, this avatar of our American spirit knows no bounds.  They tempt fate in harming him.  They rationalize this away thinking that they benefit from chaos and civil war.  “Let the masses kill themselves, we’ll lose some of our minions but we’ll salvage what is left for ourselves.”  Generally they are right, from the safety of their motte the powers that be can play the chess board without direct threat to themselves as the pawns bloody themselves on the bailey.  However, this is still a huge gamble and isn’t a guarantee of success.  The torches and pitchforks DO sometimes succeed in guillotining the crown.



For now, spared this timeline, we are afforded a chance to win without blood.  It is time to make them drink the shame of their ways.  Magnanimity in not going to war, but no longer being silent to their oppression we must begin to dominate the culture.  It is time for a show of force.  Come out of hiding.  Wear those Red MAGA Hats in blue cities across the nation.  They just failed and we must take advantage of their failure.  Ignore the polls.  The election is not “in the bag” for Trump.  The cabal will cheat, steal and murder to stop him but we have an opening with public opinion right now that must be capitalized upon.  The election is not the end-all but winning it is the next goal of the game, a game we must win and win overwhelmingly.  When we do win, all efforts must be then focused on accomplishing our agenda, ridding the government of the bad actors, foreign influences and their ilk.  This is our last peaceful chance to rid our government of the cabal.  Maybe we can keep Civil War 2.0 a less-than-hot war.  Through God’s grace, maybe, just maybe we can win through the system, peacefully.