•••The brink came and went. Truly now, where we go one we go all. Though I don’t think this means at all, what people thought it meant.•••



Welcome to The Second American Civil War. In the age of Uber Eats and Amazon Prime that term sounds hyperbolic, some perhaps mean it to be such, I do not. We are slipping off that knife edge into a new American Bellum. Making America Great Again is no longer a spectator sport. Everyone has their part to play. If one still has their doubts of this even after January Sixth, it is better to be wrong and over-prepared for a nothingburger than to live in denial and be caught with one’s britches down. Hippity Hoppity Heqet.



I have taken over a month before writing about January Sixth, because actually understanding what actually happened is essentially impossible. The Fake News Enemy of the People / Ministry of Truth understands this. They seek not to understand but to promulgate their narrative, to write history as they wish. Reality does not matter. This is in part explained by their inflated ego, but also their abdication of any serious attempt at understanding. If one watches the countless hours of livestreams from that day, one will find, if they are honest, that there is no single narrative, about that day. There were a million people with different intentions, perspectives and actions. History, as long as it is written by these lizard people, will never be fair to the Sixth and those that were present. A full-scale smear campaign is in effect condemning half of the population as un-American and “Domestic Terrorists.” The establishment wants division and conflict, poking the bear 24/7. In attempting to balance the narrative I will outright reject the negative spin and present a perspective no one is talking about openly.



Let us start with the basic setup but as I will later argue, few of these details matter when it comes to what happens next. There were around a million people in Washington D.C. for the “Rally to Save America.” Most of those people marched to the Capitol at some point. President Trump’s speech was explicitly non-violent. Did he and his co-speakers use colorful metaphors? Sure. Did they rile the crowd up? Sure. But no one addressing that crowd commanded anyone to break into the Capitol. Whatever energy that led to storming the Capitol was already there. All this is largely irrelevant considering the fact that Trump had barely taken the stage when the conflicts at the Capitol broke out. There were already thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of people a mile south-east of the White House who never even went to the main rally. I would argue that if President Trump had not hosted a rally on the Sixth, a large #StoptheSteal protest would still have gathered at the Capitol that day to protest the electoral count.

Anyone who knows anything about crowd psychology knows that in a large enough crowd, it matters not who lights the match, but only that it is lit. The “left” and “right” factions of the MSM are squabbling over whether there were or were not Antifa disguising themselves with Red MAGA Hats. Again, in a large enough crowd, it matters not who lights the match.

Were there Antifa and BLM in the crowd? Yes, that is a fact. Did some of them perhaps instigate some violence or property damage? Likely. Are they to blame for the “riot?” Not really.

Were some “Right-Wing” groups responsible for instigating violence? Proud Boys? It appears that way. Should they be blamed for the riot? I don’t think so.

Was there some sort of special operation as General McInerney suggests? Also likely. (I am fully aware he could be promoting his own brand of disinformation but it is not out of the realm of things that the Deep State would do.)

The more pertinent question regarding the Proud Boys or any militias should be whether there were Federal agents or assets in those groups. False Flag? Black op? It is no secret there were (are) Federal agents inside the Proud Boys. There are definitely Feds in some militia groups. Were they there to ensure a spectacle was made? If they weren’t there to instigate something, then what were they there for?

My point in this exercise is not that the answer to these questions could be “no” or “yes” to any or all of them, but that those details do not matter as long as the mockingbird media writes the history. Did it matter who knocked down the twin towers and building seven? Not really. The result either way was that it was used as the excuse for 2 decades of war in the Middle East. Does it matter that there was no Russian Collusion? If this isn’t obvious by now, there’s little I can do to change one’s mind. They will use the Sixth and say whatever they want as an excuse for whatever mechanisms of control they wish to impose on the people.

If you want to know what the establishment wants from the masses, all you have to do is look at their MSM narrative. For four years they demonized Trump Supporters, Middle America, the MAGA Movement and the “Religious Right” as “Deplorables.” All this did was strengthen Trump’s base of support; the people could see through the smear. Like the Law of Attraction states, “Your focus determines your reality.” By demonizing the Deplorables they created the fictional monster they “feared.” The mostly white American right is the most peaceful bloc of citizenry in the world. It took the most extreme pressure, applied over years, to provoke the tiniest of reactions (let’s be frank, a small fraction of the crowd got rowdy; an “insurrection” it was not) but it was enough to give the ruling class their golden goose: video footage of Red MAGA Hats “rioting” in their “Sacred Temple” so they could repeat “Coup” and “Insurrection” ad nauseam.

Did antifa/leftists disguised as Trump Supporters instigate violence? Yes.
Did some Trump Supporters fight cops? Yes.
Did President Trump rile up a crowd? Yes.
Did some “Proud Boys” (Ahem..cough, Feds) break windows? Yes.
Did government officials decline increased security that day? Yes.
Was this a psyop? Yes.
Was this a Black op? Yes.
Was this what the elites and their media wanted? Yes.
Was this an insurrection or coup? NO.

These are the main narratives repeated over and over. However, they ignore one interpretation that makes all of the above irrelevant to the present zeitgeist. Step back from the details and look at what is happing to the country at large, both on the left and the right. Ignore the political labels. Ignore the cultural differences. Ignore individual acts of violence (and the high likelihood that the Feds are often instigating that violence). The people of America are waking up to an overarching and unpleasant realization.



What is this present zeitgeist? In short, everyone feels ripped off. It is that simple. Call it “Cheated,” “Sold a bag of goods,” “Scammed,” …whatever. Boomers are reaching retirement realizing the world they built, led by their ruling class contemporaries, is not what they thought they signed up for. The 60s promised one thing and it did not deliver. Gen X, constantly passed over for promotion, now finally given the driver’s seat of the retiring Boomers, realizes no one changed the oil, breaks, shocks or tranny fluid for 30 years. Millennials who grew up into spoiled brats because of the Post-Cold-War-Pax-Americana-90s are bitter because their Boomer parents didn’t warn them about how the 90s were a fluke and how much of life usually blows. Finally there are the Zoomers who look at the present mess with perhaps the most tempered perspective that is equal parts nihilistic and hopeful, aware from birth that there is no golden ticket and only have themselves to rely on for survival. 2020 was the cherry on top of this giant scam of an ice cream Sunday. No one got out of 2020 unscathed, and all the promises of the American dream fell apart. It doesn’t matter that each generation is disillusioned uniquely with the present way of the world. It doesn’t matter if one is on the left and feels the Government needs to play a bigger roll in the welfare of the people or if one is on the right and wants the Government out of one’s business. Either way everyone is fed up, pissed off and angry at, “The Man.” No UBI, bailout or Mary Jane legalization is going to pacify them.



It is human nature to go along to get along so you can only blame the people so much. Those in power try their best to appear to have the best intentions for the people but in reality, aside from trying to gain more power, they spend most of their time trying to avoid torches and pitchforks showing up at their gates. We out number them and this terrifies them. This is the one thing the Government, the Main Stream Media and the ruling class does not want to talk about:

The contract between the people and their rulers is falling apart. Half the country (probably more), fundamentally believes the United States Government is illegitimate. Not all will admit it, openly or even to themselves, and for many it is subconscious. In their hearts they don’t believe democracy actually works or that their Representatives represent them anymore. They don’t just disagree politically, they see them as tyrants who stole the election from them. This is no longer a, “Right-wing conspiracy theory.” The elites confessed to it and boasted about it in Time Magazine, just days after the Inauguration. They are so overconfident that no one can do anything about it, they aren’t hiding it anymore. 75 million Trump Supporters are not going to go quietly into the night. This new rebellion is not like the Tea Party movement from 2010. That was a purely political movement. This time is different. This is what the Capitol Storm really represents: faith in the system is…gone. Donald John Trump who’s name literally means “Ruler of the world, graced and ordained by God, and hailed by a Trumpet” was the one last chance the people, in mass, gave to a political solution. Those in power hated him, hated us, the hoi palloi so much they destroyed the country trying to take him down. When that didn’t work, they just cheated the election. You can distill down this perspective from the protesters, those that breached the Capitol, to those outside that sang the Star Spangled Banner, to the other 74 million who were there only in spirit that day.



The present conflict is truly the ruling class vs the people, but since there are still ordinary people hopelessly dependent on the system they will fight to protect it. The ruling class barely has to do anything to position these sheeple, the very minds we are trying to redpill, as their front lines, turning black vs white, brother against brother, child vs parent, neighbor vs neighbor. It will get ugly. The Bible says, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Live at peace with your neighbors, your family, your friends. For as much of the coming difficulties that do not depend on you (that you do not control) and mark my word, the difficulties have only just begun: “keep your pecker hard and your powder dry.” Welcome to Civil War 2.0

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